Wageningen Marine Research: Gewijzigd! / Changed! : Trilateral Ecotope Map Wadden Sea

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Trilateral Ecotope Map Wadden Sea

WMR heeft wijzigingen doorgevoerd aan de Trilateral Ecotope Map Wadden Sea.
De naamgeving van de kaartlagen is gewijzigd. Zie onderstaande tabel.

Aanleiding is dat een correctie is doorgevoerd.
De aangepaste kaart heeft een groter aandeel sublitoraal dan voorheen.
De laagste 4% van de droogvalduurkaart waren onterecht niet als sublitoraal gekenmerkt.

WMR has made changes to the Trilateral Ecotope Map Wadden Sea.
As a result the names of the map layers has changes. See table below.

The name change results from a correction.
The amended map has a larger share of sublitoral than before.
The lowest 4% of the emergence duration map were incorrectly not classified as sublitoral.

Name (outdated) Name (current per Oct 2021)
EcotopeWS3_mp (basic) ws3_ecotope_mp_basic> replaces the older name: ws3_ecotope_mp(basic) #1
EcotopeWS3_mp Hard substrate ws3_ecotope_mp_hard_substrate
EcotopeWS3_mp Litoral zones and Dynamics ws3_ecotope_mp_litoral_zones_and_dynamics
EcotopeWS3_mp Salt Level ws3_ecotope_mp_salt_level
EcotopeWS3_mp Salt marsh ws3_ecotope_mp_salt_marsh
EcotopeWS3_mp Salt variability ws3_ecotope_mp_salt_variability
EcotopeWS3_mp Sediment ws3_mp_sediment
EcotopeWS3_mp ZES simple ws3_mp_zes_simple
Sea grass presence ws3_seagrass_presence
Tidal Basins ws3_tidalbasins
Mussel, Oyster beds ws3_mussel_oyster_beds

#1 The brackets i.e. '(' and ')', were found to be problematic for WFS-downloads of this layer.
Most severely affected were the formats of type: GML.

Date published: 2023/10/24

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